Thursday, March 29, 2007


7.37am, it’s like so freaking early.
am scheduled to do enrolment for IS module at 8am =((
so shitty.
but i'm afraid all good classes are filled up. so i go for the 1st timeslot instead of the 2nd timeslot.

i got the module right; event management.
but i think i got the class wrong.
there's 4 8am classes, if i didn't remb wrongly. out of the 4, 3 is at blk 56 and 1 is at blk 74.

the experience of having IS lessons for both the previous sem at blk 74, i will not take the same blk again. it's like so far and up the slope. so tiring, troublesome and confirm will be late for more than 15 mins.

and so...... i chose blk 56.
one of it is located at level 6...


Kenny told me ytd that around convention centre that blk is haunted; especially level 6. so i block that class out.
left 2 more classes, both at level 4. i just anyhow choose one.

i always got nice (super nice and funny) IS lecturers, who don't mind my lateness, still letting me into the class and letting us mark our own attendance. (but i still hate IS and still don't know how to appreciated their nice-nest--> is this word in the dictionary? my English sux.)

so hopefully this time the lecturer is nice. don't mind me being late for max. 1hr (since it starts at 8am).

but i think i got the time wrong.
thurs got lion dance training.
i took 8am to 12pm class, training at 6pm.
so what am i suppose to do during the interval?
go home? though NP quite near my house but i go home jiu dont feel like going out alr.

should have taken the 1pm class. at least i can slp longer.
but who ask me to forgot abt training when i choose the timetable =.=

okay, done with the grumbling.
i'm going back to slp.


my journey blogged @ 7:37 AM

Saturday, March 24, 2007

nice story

what a nice and touching story.
but damn, i read and read and read.

till its chapter 17 and it tells me that i need to purchased the book to know the ending; chapter 18, 19 and 20.

i'm so anxious to know whether the guy die or not.
so anxious to know whether its a happy or sad ending.

forget it. i shall go bathe.
meeting f7 and the guys for steamboat later.


my journey blogged @ 5:46 PM

Monday, March 19, 2007


had a dream ytd night.
i dreamt that i ask bel "oh, u went to repair your laptop alr?"
bel replied "yup, i just went to acer center today. now my laptop okay alr."


today bel told me that she at acer center repairing her laptop! =.=
wah, so xie men.

tml meeting juan and the others to choose our timetable.
we will choose one nice nice timetable =))


my journey blogged @ 11:00 PM

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


i thought NP will message me about my result...

but it appears that they didn't.
and i know why!
cause i forgot to go NPal and confirm my number with them and state that i want them to inform me through sms. (which they even send a sms to remind me.)

oh well, nvm.

last min study, thus cannot ask for too much. can pass i'm already super happy.
though not consider very fantastic, but am contented.
at the very least my gpa improved! 3.4545 leh. and this time round no Cs in my result slip!

more surprisingly is that CIP and OB i got A.
these 2 modules really give me big big headache. still remb complaining to penny that i will fail these 2 modules.
even OCOM! can't believe i get B. thought i will see a D. given that lecturer's "i will fail everyone of you" face.

the only thing that is left to be worried about is... timetable.
hope there won't be much changes to the classes.
hope i'll get into the class of my choice.

seems like everyone scored quite well this sem =))


my journey blogged @ 2:28 PM

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


i have no idea how to start blogging this post.
this is the 1st post that is racking my brain juice and so is my time.

am having these mixed feelings. maybe that's the reason to why i can't find the right words to blog about.

once bitten twice shy... right?
but why is it that from the way i looked, you don't feel that way?
instead you repeat the same mistake time and time again.

true enough, it doesn't concern me.
but it’s bothering me.
haiz, let's just hope that history will not repeat itself.
but i guess your actions will be condemned.

can't you read the personal message pasted on my nick?!
clearly stated that i do not wish to talk nor reply you.
i don't have to entertain your nonsense and neither am i closely related to you, so stop your wishy-washy mushy names calling.
please! save it for someone who wish to hear those words from you.
as far as i'm concern, you are just staining my lappy. that i feel like buying a new one!


my journey blogged @ 2:26 PM

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


my blog been accmulating spider webs. so i'm here to clear it. hahahaha.

i think about 1 month ago, while shopping with penny at raffles city or izzit city link (can't remb), we came across this shop.

yup, juan!!!
juan! since when u open this shop? never tell us.


i think...
the aunties going to bei wo men qi si le. LOL!!!
got these 5 of us under her department is so 'lucky.'
we did some wrong things (not on purpose). so instead of helping them, we made them more busy. hahahahaha.

few days ago, just as we finished our lunch, we came across this

the 1st sentence that came out of our mouth were; "wahhh! shark fin ah?!" LOL!!!
then we look more closely... no leh, not shark fin. salted fish?
in the end we still don't know what's that.

one happy thing.
my job in spore food industry ended. so happy!!

had chi shi on sunday. was super tiring.
in addition to having to wake up at 7am the next morning, aching all over.

enough said.
let's see some photos:

at my hse, 30 plus oranges...

my dad's car.
my aunty's car. missing one stroke i think.

e 15th, only we 3 girls came.
haiz, i'm sick! so sway! down with flu and sore throat. hao nan shou wor =(


my journey blogged @ 11:22 PM

Friday, March 02, 2007

been thinking...

$5.50 per hour, to me that's too little. too little to get me working to my best.
but to someone who is old enough to be my grandma, its consider alot.

i keep thinking that i have been underemployed. (which i still thinks so)
until, this someone who is old enough to be my grandma change my thinking.
she cleans the toilet. which i always will grunble that the toilet is smelly, got cockroach's smell. blah blah blah.
somehow, my heart goes out for her.
and i'm begining to think that i should be thankful instead of showing my temper.

today is friday. i finally survived 1 whole week.
still have 4 more days to go.

oh, i remembered what i want to blog about alr!

happy belated birthday to my daddy.
i totally forgot his birthday =S and even asked my mum what are we celebrating? why dinner all seafood?
eh, i'm not the only one who forgot okay. my sis and bro also forgot =S

therefore to show our apologies, i decided to treat my daddy to watch lion dance, since he likes watching it.
but of course, he wants to invite in the 1st place. just that i told him i paying instead.
luckily is shared by my sis bro and mum ah.


my journey blogged @ 10:09 PM
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tze ting (淇婷)
3rd feb 1989
Ngee Ann Poly
(Banking and Financial Services)

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Jian Zhou


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